Northern College is projecting a $6M operational deficit for 2025-26 and a $12M deficit for 2026-27. To address the deficits, Northern has announced plans to cut costs by improving efficiencies and reducing staff. It has accordingly implemented early retirement and exit incentives and will soon issue layoff notices. “This was an incredibly difficult decision for […]
Northern College has announced that it will become a smoke free institution, starting in May 2025. The initiative will be implemented at all of the college’s campuses and access centres, with the goal of creating a healthier and safer environment for all community members. The college will create designated smoking areas off campus to accommodate […]
Northern College recently repatriated Indigenous Regalia to its rightful owner, Mr Paul P Wesley. The Regalia were originally donated to the college by the Cochrane Trading Post after the business closed in 2015. Northern Senior VP Academic Dean Lessard explained that while the institution was grateful to receive these artifacts and display them in an […]
Northern College has partnered with the District School Board Ontario Northeast (DSB1) and the Northeastern Catholic District School Board (NCDSB) to offer a micro-credential that will train educational support workers. The program is designed for unqualified workers in education support roles, with the goal of retaining talent in the region. The Educational Support Worker micro-credential […]