Acadia University and Yukon University have signed an articulation agreement to enhance study options for earth sciences students. Through this partnership, eligible graduates of YukonU’s Earth Sciences program can transfer all their courses to Acadia. This will allow them to enter into the third year of Acadia’s Bachelor of Science program in either the Geology […]
Yukon University has officially joined Universities Canada, becoming the 97th member of the national association. Universities Canada states that membership requires universities to meet rigorous criteria and uphold principles of institutional quality assurance, which must be reaffirmed every five years. “Joining Universities Canada will allow us to be a part of transforming postsecondary education across […]
According to CBC, a black bear was killed after breaking into a Yukon University building last week. The black bear broke through an exterior door and a window to enter the institution’s main building. It exited the building through a door opened by staff and was later found by the gymnasium. Yukon Conservation Officer Services […]