Discussions are continuing about the Government of Quebec’s choice to halt the $100M expansion planned for Dawson College. While Premier François Legault said that “[i]f we have to choose priority, it is better to add to French colleges than added capacity to Dawson,” Liberal leader Dominique Anglade called the decision political. Others expressed frustration that suggested solutions – such as renting temporary space – would not allow the college to pursue initiatives like a clinique-école that would allow students to practice on real patients. “[Legault is] telling anglophones: ‘Disappear, be quiet, we don’t want to see you,’ and he’s telling francophones, ‘You don’t have the right and the freedom to choose where you get educated,’” said Marlene Jennings from the Quebec Community Groups Network. Others called the suspension necessary to prevent Montreal’s anglicization. Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.
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Discussion about suspension of plans to expand Dawson continue
Journal de Montréal
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