Some students from Manitoba who applied for Manitoba Student Aid are unable to pay their tuition after significant challenges and delays in receiving Manitoba Student Aid loans, reports the Brandon Sun. Manitoba Student Aid and the Canada Student Financial Assistance program were integrated in July, and a MB spokesperson reportedly confirmed that there have been “some system issues” processing some students. One student shared that he was approved for funding in July, but has still not received a $16K loan for his first semester or been able to get in contact with either Manitoba Student Aid or the National Student Loans Service Centre. Brandon University has responded to the issue by introducing leniency with payment deadlines and offering emergency funding for students. Brandon Sun (Acct. Req.) Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.
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Manitoba Student Aid delays prevent students from paying tuition
Brandon Sun (Acct. Req.)
| Brandon Sun (Acct. Req.)
| Brandon Sun (Acct. Req.)