Concordia launches plan to decolonize, Indigenize its curriculum, pedagogy


Concordia University has launched a five-year strategic plan to decolonize and Indigenize its curriculum and pedagogy. Drawing upon the principles of the Two Row Wampum Belt–or Tekani Teiotha’tá:tie Kaswéntah’–the plan aims to co-construct a new pathway for learning at Concordia, in which everyone is equal and no worldview is viewed as superior. “It calls for faculty to actively engage in evaluating and decentering Eurocentric canons of thought in their curriculum,” said Concordia Director of Decolonizing Curriculum and Pedagogy Donna Kahérakwas Goodleaf. “It calls upon faculty to embrace opportunities to work in collaboration with Indigenous peoples and communities in ways that value Indigenous epistemologies, histories, and ways of doing in respectful and meaningful ways.”
