AFN releases K-12 transformation report, calls on Canada to fulfil its commitments

The Assembly of First Nations has released its K-12 First Nations Education Transformation Costing Analysis Report, which examines the implementation of the Government of Canada’s reformed approach to funding First Nations education on reserves. AFN’s report states that the new approach has increased the amount of funding for K-12 education, but not to a sufficient level to meet real needs. Further, the report identified challenges with the quality of IRFF funding breakdowns, a lack of response to First Nations’ funding enhancements requests, and funding delays. AFN National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak called on Canada to fulfil its commitments to the K-12 education transformation. “Canada must expand opportunities for all First Nations to build and maintain the education infrastructure their communities need. Education decisions today will shape the future of First Nations for generations to come,” said Woodhouse Nepinak. “Canada, including current and future governments, must prioritize First Nations education, meet its obligations, and support First Nations’ inherent right to control their education.”

AFN (PDF) | Nation Talk