Anishinabek Education System, SGDSB sign historic agreement to collaborate on decisions

The Anishinabek Education System and Superior-Greenstone District School Board have signed a historic Engagement Framework Agreement at the new Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Endzhi-gkinoohmaading. Over 100 people gathered to witness the signing of the agreement, which will foster collaboration and cooperation on decisions that directly impact First Nations students attending schools in the Superior-Greenstone District School Board. Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Educator Director Lisa Michano-Courchene shared the importance of the process that led up to the creation of the framework: “We learned so much about our systems, how they are different and how they are the same, and about our challenges and the things that come easy. […] These were things that could not have been learned by a phone call.”

Anishinabek News