Ladysmith program provides students with land-based learning, opportunities to learn from Elders

The Land and Language program at Ladysmith Secondary School is providing students with a unique opportunity to engage in land-based learning, learn the Hul’qumi’num language, and hear from Elders. The Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle reports that students in the program can earn academic credits while learning their traditional language of Hul’qumi’num and taking part in cultural activities. “Our program is unique from the rest of the district, as the students sign up for multiple courses within the program,” said LSS Principal Stephen Epp. “Those students then help guide the school in some of the cultural activities we have here as well as teach staff and other students the culture.” The school also brings in Elders to share culture and traditions with students and staff and runs an Elders conference for Elders from around the district that staff and students are welcome to sit in on. “We discuss some of the teachings we want to share, but [the purpose is] basically to listen and learn the culture and traditions,” explained Epp.

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle