North Battleford Comprehensive High School (NBCHS) has created an Indigenous Student Council group. The lunchtime club is run out of the school’s Gateway to Success room and provides input on celebrating events such as Aboriginal Storytelling Month and Indigenous Peoples Day. “I started it because I want our Indigenous students to feel they can make change in our [school] and feel like they have a voice, and a space where they can share their opinions,” said Native Studies Teacher Madison MacKeracher, who is helping organize the group. So far, nine youth have signed up for the council, including three who are also part of the Indigenous Advisory Council through Living Sky School Division. Battlefords Now reports that the school also offers smudging ceremonies twice a week to provide students with a good start to the week and provide a positive action to send them out into the world. “The importance of smudging personally is about connecting with my identity and who I am as an Indigenous person. That’s something that I talk with my kids about too,” she said. “It’s a positive space where we can all learn about one another and who we are.”
Indigenous Top Ten News