Pacheedaht First Nation requests $24M to construct new school

The Pacheedaht First Nation is requesting $24M in funding from the federal government for the construction of a Grade 6-12 school. Students in these grades currently travel over an hour away to attend a school in Sooke, BC. The community has asked for the funds to build an 80-student school by September 2024. “It would be a boost for everyone,” said Pacheedaht executive director Roger Nopper. “It would bring people back to the community that had to leave because of education. It would increase the attractiveness for people moving back to the Port Renfrew area.” The Pacheedaht and the Sooke School District also wish to replace the community’s current K-5 school with one that is seismically safe. If approved, both schools would be located adjacent to each other in a “campus-like” setup.

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