Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig (SKG) and Weengushk Film Institute have partnered to bring a certificate program in short film production to Sault Ste Marie. The eight-month Lab 1 program provides Indigenous and non-Indigenous students with knowledge and hands-on training in areas such as screenwriting, directing, and production and editing. The training is provided through an Indigenous lens, according to APTN News. “It takes you through the entire process, start to finish, of how a film gets made and how a film gets sold, which is something that’s rarely ever tapped into,” explained Weengushk Film Institute VP Nano Debassige. Speaking to the Sault Star Debassige and Chief Karen Bell of Garden River—a member of SKG’s board—further emphasized the importance of equipping Indigenous people to tell their own stories. “Storytelling has always been an essential part of our culture and remains so today,” said Bell. “It’s how we pass on knowledge, share experiences, keep traditions alive, and bring laughter into our communities.”