AB announces launch of GovLab.AI

The Government of Alberta has announced that it will be launching an artificial intelligence lab that will develop technology and provide postsecondary graduates with work experience. The GovLab.AI will be powered by AltaML. AltaML and Mitacs will lead the lab in creating pilot programs that could be turned into products that can be either used or sold. The lab will also include an accelerator that will allow postsecondary students and recent graduates to benefit from real-world, hands-on experience. “Strengthening Alberta’s position as a leader in artificial intelligence is a key objective of the Alberta Technology and Innovation Strategy,” said Minister of Jobs, Economy and Innovation Doug Schweitzer. “By providing opportunities for students and government staff to build skill sets, we are moving our province forward and building an economy for the future.” rdnewsNOW| BetaKit Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.

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