Creditors voted in favour on Laurentian University’s plan of arrangement yesterday. Now that the plan has been approved, Laurentian will seek a court Order on October 5th to implement the Plan, at which point the university will have emerged from its restructuring. In advance of the vote, reporters from organizations such as CBC and CTV News remarked on the serious implications of the vote, as a vote against the plan could potentially have seen the university shut its doors for good. Chair of the Laurentian Board of Governors Jeff Bangs penned a statement reflecting on the journey to the vote and expressing both “gratitude … for those who endorsed our Plan of Arrangement [and] respect for the views of those who did not.” Laurentian| CBC| CTV News| Laurentian (Bangs) Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.
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Creditors vote in favour of Laurentian plan of arrangement
| Laurentian (Bangs)
| CTV News