Former assistant professor sues Queen’s for $600K

Dr Matt Strauss, Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s acting medical officer of health and a former assistant professor at Queen’s University, has reportedly launched a $600K lawsuit against Queen’s. Strauss alleges that he experienced “consistent and relentless harassment… humiliation and belittlement” while working for the university in 2021, which he states stemmed from his public criticisms of lockdowns and other public health measures. The Whig Standard reports that the lawsuit seeks $600K in damages along with wages and benefits lost due to what the filing describes as a “constructive dismissal.” Queen’s stated that it has not yet been served with a claim, and CBC reports that none of the allegations have been tested in court at this time. CBC| The Whig Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.

CBC | The Whig | The Whig