At the recent UNESCO World Higher Education conference 2022 in Barcelona, UNESCO announced a common ‘Roadmap to 2030’ for higher education and called for the barriers to change to be “blown down now.” The global roadmap represents a synthesis of the agreed-upon priorities to guide future development of higher education. It is the result of several years worth of consultations, discussions, and reports. UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education Stefania Giannini explained that crucial shifts are needed to focus on “cooperation over competition, diversity over uniformity, and flexible learning over traditionally well-structured, hierarchical models of education” as well as the creation of an open system of higher education. “Education systems move at such a glacial pace so having a heads up, 10 years ahead, is really useful because the system takes so long to move,” said Charles Hopkins, UNESCO chair at York University. University World News Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.
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Global ‘Roadmap to 2030’ for higher education announced at UNESCO conference
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