Initiatives at Cégep de Lanaudière, ULethbridge target campus food insecurity

Initiatives at Cégep de Lanaudière’s Joliette campus and the University of Lethbridge are helping to reduce food insecurity on campus. Cégep de Lanaudière’s student association has launched a universal food distribution service: Faim du mois. The service is using a surpluse from student dues to fund food distribution events, with one being held today. La Presse reports that some students share the food they receive with student parents who are in need of additional food for their families. At ULethbridge, student Ankit Mukherjee has created the SnackRadar app to help address food insecurity. Students can sign up for notifications about leftover food from events, which both provides learners with free food and reduces food waste.

La Presse (Cégep de Lanaudière) | Global News (ULethbridge) | Lethbridge Herald (ULethbridge)