Labour union updates from McGill, Trent, UoGuelph, UOttawa

Several institutions have provided updates on labour negotiations. At McGill University, two faculty associations–representing the Faculty of Arts professors and the Faculty of Education professors–are seeking accreditation from the Tribunal administratif du travail. Trent University has reached a tentative agreement with CUPE Local 3908 Unit 2 which would be retroactive to September 1, 2024. The University of Guelph has forged a collective agreement with the University of Guelph Faculty Association, which addresses workload and compensation. The Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa plans to hold a strike vote meeting next week if conciliation efforts with the University of Ottawa remain unresolved.

La Presse (McGill) | Trent | Global News (UoGuelph) | CTV News (UOttawa)