Lethbridge President honoured with Blackfoot name


Lethbridge College President Dr Brad Donaldson has received a Blackfoot name from Peter Weasel Moccasin, the college Kaahsinnoonik (grandparent). Weasel Moccasin said that the name—Nináímsskaan isttokimaan/Thunder Pipe Drum—was inspired by Donaldson’s responsibility as a leader. “Drums are very important,” said Weasel Moccasin. “It’s how we connect ourselves to the Creator of Life. When we hear those drums and the songs that come with them, it inspires us to heal, to overcome and to challenge again. It’s appropriate and deserving, and I hope he continues to do good work in the future.” Donaldson was also gifted with a ribbon shirt and a Pendleton blanket to be used in future Indigenous ceremonies.
