Several announcements related to labour negotiations appeared in the news this week. Late last night, Ontario Public Service Employees Union and the College Employer Council agreed to send the labour dispute to binding interest arbitration, averting a strike that would have affected over 15,000 faculty. OPSEU states that all work-to-rule strike activities are also concluded. At the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), lecturers represented by the Syndicat des professeurs enseignants de l’UQAM have voted 90 per cent in favour of a general, unlimited strike. CTV News reports that the union and university have engaged in 29 negotiation sessions over more than a year, but talks have stalled. Meanwhile, in Alberta, CTV News and Lethbridge News Now announced that the University of Lethbridge and the ULFA entered into enhanced mediation earlier this week to attempt to come to an agreement to end the strike. The mediator is expected to suggest a deal if no agreement can be reached. OPSEU| OCanada| CTV News (UQAM)| CTV News (ULFA) Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.
Top Ten News
OPSEU and CEC go to arbitration, UQAM instructors vote strike, ULethbridge enters mediation
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