Students from several institutions are holding protests, issuing statements, and exploring alternative postsecondary options in response to the Government of Quebec’s announcement of a plan to raise tuition for out-of-province students. Students from Concordia University and McGill University organized a day of protest against the tuition hike. The Concordia Student Union and the Students’ Society of McGill University recently released a joint statement that condemns the move and argues that it will “price out the poorest out-of-province students, saddle students with further debts, and require students to work even more during their studies to afford their education.” reports that organizations such as the Alliance of BC Students have criticized the hike and that several high school students from BC are cancelling their plans to attend QC postsecondary institutions and looking at alternatives. Concordia director of student recruitment Savvy Papayiannis said that many people have been cancelling campus tours, withdrawing from events, or saying that tuition would be a barrier.
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Students protest, issue statements in response to QC plan to raise out-of-province tuition
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