UCalgary to lead Recovery on Campus program for AB postsecondary institutions

The University of Calgary is leading a postsecondary recovery program that will provide support to students, staff, and faculty in recovery from addictions across Alberta. The Recovery on Campus program will provide postsecondary institutions with new supports for their community members through a $500K grant from the Government of Alberta. The first phase will support participating institutions in hosting an event or campaign that focuses on recovery. Recovery on Campus will also lead training sessions so that participants are prepared to ally with those in recovery. A future focus will be substance-free on-campus housing. “Having collegiate recovery programs, and having that built-in education and awareness and research piece, is really key in moving things forward in a more balanced and a healthier direction,” said UCalgary Associate Professor and program founder Victoria Burns. Calgary Herald Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.

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