Top Ten News

Mar 08, 2024 • National

Postsecondary institutions across Canada are celebrating International Women’s Day. In preparation for the day, Mount Allison University held a Gender Equity webinar and Red River College Polytechnic hosted a public panel at which professionals spoke on women’s contributions to the mental health field. At York University, the YSpace’s new Food & Beverage Accelerator program will leverage the expertise of women entrepreneurs to support underrepresented groups in the consumer-packaged goods and agri-food sector, thanks to $476K from the Government of Canada. The University of Saskatchewan highlighted the contributions that women have made to its history and community, while Camosun College marked the day by profiling Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Tehmina Khwaja’s work dismantling barriers.

MtA, RRC Polytech, Canada (YorkU), USask, Camosun,

Top Ten News

Mar 08, 2024 • AB

The Government of Canada is investing $4.8M to support the French language in Alberta. Part of this funding will be used to increase access to French services, infrastructure, and education; support renovations at the University of Alberta’s Campus Saint-Jean; establish a professional experience program for Francophones at Campus Saint-Jean; and develop promotional campaigns and a summit on French-language in postsecondary education in AB. Canada Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages Randy Boissonault explained that the organizations receiving the funding are making “considerable efforts […] to foster a greater sense of belonging in their communities” and will help to promote “the social and cultural vitality of Francophone communities in Alberta.”

Canada, City News, Radio-Canada

Top Ten News

Mar 08, 2024 • QC

Student-led food initiatives–like campus gardens and food waste diversion projects–are instrumental in transforming students’ mindsets and developing their skills as agents of large-scale change, write Blane Harvey (McGill University), Emily Diane Sprowls (McGill), and Zoë Deskin (University of Copenhagen). The authors share their findings from a recent research project, which demonstrated that these student-led food initiatives often facilitate hands-on learning opportunities, advance holistic understandings of food systems, and foster meaningful interdisciplinary dialogue. The writers conclude that these opportunities deserve university investment as they ultimately “nurture students as the next generation of change-makers.”

The Conversation

Top Ten News

Mar 08, 2024 • MB, ON

Assiniboine Community College, the Assiniboine Students’ Association (ASA), and Fanshawe College are the latest members of the Canadian postsecondary sector to sign the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Accord. With this agreement, the signatories have committed to embedding the SDGs into their education, research, leadership, operations, administration, and engagement activities. “With our lens on student success and belonging, we’re inspired by the SDGs and committed to these goals being a guide to what we do, in supporting students and in partnership with the college,” said ASA Executive Director Amanda Mann. Additionally, Fanshawe has implemented a sustainability action plan that aligns with the SDGs, which includes measurable targets focusing on quality education, gender equality, and reducing inequality.

Fanshawe, ACC

Top Ten News

Mar 08, 2024 • ON

Conestoga College has purchased two buildings and leased a former hotel to add to its student housing offerings. The two purchased properties will be renovated and will add 155 beds to Conestoga’s housing portfolio. Conestoga also signed a three-year deal with Drewlo Holdings to lease the Inn of Waterloo, a hotel that closed in December 2023. The inn incurred fire damage in 2021: Rooms that were not damaged by the fire will be ready for students in September. Conestoga will invest $600K to repair the damaged rooms for occupancy next January.

CBC, Global News, CTV News

Top Ten News

Mar 08, 2024 • NWT

The Government of Northwest Territories has introduced a new open access, online library to help researchers, students, and communities understand, combat, and adapt to climate change. The NWT Climate Change Library houses scientific information, research papers, technical reports, and innovative tools relating to climate change. “The NWT Climate Change Library is more than just a collection of information. It’s a platform for collaboration, innovation and collective action on climate change,” said NWT Minister of Environment and Climate Change Jay Macdonald. “By providing easy access to research and fostering knowledge exchange, we can accelerate progress in addressing climate change in the North.”

NWT, Climate Library

Top Ten News

Mar 08, 2024 • NL

The College of the North Atlantic has signed a four-year agreement with TerraCore to boost the market for hyperspectral mineralogical services. The collaboration will create more opportunities for students to operate hyperspectral scanning technology and to advance applied research projects. CNA Dean of Sustainable Development Gary Thompson added that the partnership will also contribute toward a more sustainable economy. “Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as hyperspectral imaging to bolster exploration efforts and minimize mining expenses will be instrumental in meeting the demand for critical minerals,” said Thompson. “Collaborative initiatives, such as the agreement between the college and TerraCore, aim to deliver this technology and train future workers in its utilization.”


Top Ten News

Mar 08, 2024 • International

Educause has released a new report that found that many IT leaders and managers in higher education in the US are experiencing issues with their workload and burnout. A survey of 411 IT and technology leaders working in director, VP, and c-suite roles in higher education revealed that many IT professionals feel that their workload is at least “somewhat” excessive (70%). Many respondents said that their workload had increased in the past year (68%), while 58% reported experiencing burnout. Respondents shared high satisfaction with their peers, workplace flexibility and autonomy, and benefits, but demonstrated low satisfaction with HR policies and practices and mobility and growth opportunities. Those from smaller institutions also noted challenges with budget cuts and heavy workload. Several respondents indicated they had applied to other roles within (24%) and/or outside of (15%) higher ed.

Inside Higher Ed (Acct. Req.), Educause

Top Ten News

Mar 08, 2024 • ON

Durham College and the Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB) have expanded their partnership to bring dual credit programming to Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School in Ajax. Notre Dame students will be able to enrol in a construction technology class, which is taught by both a high school teacher and a Durham instructor. Upon completion of the class, the students will earn both a high school credit and a Durham basic plumbing credit, which counts towards Durham’s Trade Fundamentals program. Starting this September, students will also have access to a dual credit course that will allow them to earn a Durham Trade Fundamentals basic electrical credit.

Durham, Durham Radio News

Top Ten News

Mar 08, 2024 • QC

Cégep Gérald-Godin and Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne have been selected by the Programme Québec–Francophonie en formation technique (PQFFT) to offer AEC programs in Tunisia. The cégeps will work with École Polytechnique Internationale Privique de Tunis to offer Gérald-Godin’s web technologies program and Bois-de-boulogne’s information infrastructure and cybersecurity program. Bois-de-Boulogne directeur generale Pascale Sirard praised the partnership, stating that the cégeps are building bridges between Montréal and Tunisia that will be used to exchange best practices and help meet the emerging needs of the communities.
