Maisonneuve, NAIT, Northern Lakes announce new programs

Collège de Maisonneuve, the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, and Northern Lakes College have each announced new programs. Maisonneuve recently received International Baccalaureate (IB) authorization to offer a Baccalauréat International en Sciences cognitives. The program combines psychology, computer science, and mathematics to understand human and artificial intelligence. NAIT has launched Women Leading and Building Canada’s Future, a program that supports women-identifying students pursuing one of NAIT’s construction, energy, or manufacturing Red Seal trades. The program provides students with financial help, networking, workplace EDI training for employers, and more. Northern Lakes will offer Pre-Employment Pipe Trades to prepare learners for apprenticeship as gasfitters, plumbers, sprinkler systems installers, or steamfitter-pipefitters.

Maisonneuve | NAIT | Northern Lakes