On campuses across Canada, negotiations are continuing between administrators and encampment organizers. At McGill University, the Montreal Gazette, reports that police and security have seized supplies that were brought to protesters. City News states that talks are continuing between the university and encampment. Western University’s equity, diversity, and inclusion office has offered to meet with the students that organized a 12-hour encampment last week. At the University of Toronto, protest organizers allege that the university is “ignoring their demands;” the organizers are now refusing to participate in talks unless their focus changes. U of T stated that it is looking to resolve key issues around health and safety before moving to “substantive discussions.” University of British Columbia President Benoit-Antoine Bacon recently issued a statement indicating that the university would welcome a “respectful and robust discussion” about investments. Bacon added that UBCs endowment fund does not directly own any stocks that are the target of divestment demands.