Three postsecondary institutions in Canada have recently held ceremonies and launched initiatives to honour the process of Truth and Reconciliation. The University of New Brunswick held a ceremony where Elder Jeannie Bartibogue, UNB’s Kcicihtuwinut (Knowledge Carrier-in-Residence), prayed and blessed orange flowers to recognise the legacy of the residential school system and emphasize the need for truth and reconciliation. Georgian College has formally opened the Truth and Reconciliation Trail, which is flanked by stones painted in vivid orange. The trail will be used as an outdoor learning space that aids the advance towards reconciliation through education. A Brock University has launched a heart garden initiative, where participants decorate paper hearts to raise awareness of findings from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The hearts will be displayed on Brock’s main campus during the 2022 Canada Summer Games. NationTalk (UNB)| NationTalk (Georgian)| NationTalk (Brock) Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.
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UNB, Georgian, Brock honour Truth and Reconciliation
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