Concordia releases report, recommendations to address Anti-Black Racism

Concordia University has released the report and recommendations from the President’s Task Force on Anti-Black Racism. The report, which is grounded in the Scarborough Charter principles, examined how to address systemic anti-Black racism in the Concordia context. In response to one of the recommendations in the report, Concordia issued a formal apology at a recent event for mishandling the 1969 Black student protests and acknowledged the role that racism played during the protests. The report also included recommendations such as hiring a faculty member who will lead Black and African Diaspora Studies program development, promoting Black perspectives and researchers, and creating more opportunities for Black graduate students and researchers. “Now we begin the hard work of delivering on these recommendations and strengthening our relationships with Black communities, on campus and in Montreal,” said Concordia President Graham Carr. Concordia| CBC| Journal de Montréal Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.

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