Saskatchewan Polytechnic, the Prince Albert Grand Council (PAGC), and the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation (SWF) have collaborated to launch an outdoor learning centre at the Hannin Creek Education and Applied Research Centre in northern Saskatchewan. The encampment will be called the mitho askiy kiskēyihtamowin Indigenous Outdoor Learning Centre, which is Cree for good learning through on-the-land experiences. The centre will focus on land-based education using four tipis, which were raised for the centre. “This is an exciting collaboration that will focus on land-based learning and will provide cultural awareness training and education about the ways and history of Indigenous people,” said Sask Polytech President Dr Larry Rosia. Sask Polytech Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.
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Sask Polytech, PAGC, SWF launch Hannin Creek Education and Applied Research Centre
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