Students need access to experiential learning so that they are prepared for the future, writes Concordia University President Graham Carr. Carr argues that rapid changes such as inflation, labour shortages, supply-chain disruptions, and new technologies have made experiential learning essential to graduates’ success. Large institutions face a particular challenge with running large-scale experiential learning opportunities, and Carr notes that this must be understood as a mutual investment and meaningful partnership rather than a transaction to be successful. To address the need for experiential learning, Concordia has a goal of ensuring all students can participate in two experiential learning opportunities starting in 2025. “Investing in placements is an effective tool, not just to support businesses and organizations in large urban centres, but also in regions where workforce recruitment is sometimes challenging,” writes Carr. Montreal Gazette Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.
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Students should be provided with experiential learning opportunities to prepare for the future: Carr
Montreal Gazette
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