Archaeological field school vandalized twice in four days, announces limited public access

Indigenous archaeological field school Anishinàbe Odjìbikan in Gatineau, Quebec will be limiting public access after its dig site was vandalized twice in four days. The first time that the site was vandalized, the team found that artifacts and equipment had been stolen. The team cleaned up the site and repaired the damaged equipment, but found the site vandalized again the next Monday. “We’re trying to educate people and trying to recover our own artifacts after previous years of genocide,” said supervisor Jennifer Tenasco. “To come here and be able to occupy the land and pick up our own ancestral artifacts and then to have someone come and destroy all the things that we brought here, and then also take artifacts — it’s very disheartening.” The field school will now be taking precautions to ensure the dig site is protected, which include cancelling public digs on weekends.