Dawson students build community through participating in butchering moose 

Dawson College students had the opportunity to participate in butchering three moose after Cree student Angela Ottereyes organized a traditional event to bring her culture to the campus. While autumn is moose hunting season in Northern Québec, it is difficult for those who are pursuing postsecondary education and studying for midterms to return to their home territory to hunt moose. “I needed my moose break,” said Ottereyes. “I thought since I can’t go to the bush, I can’t go get the moose, so I had a moose brought in at the college.” Cree students and non-Indigenous students worked together to butcher the moose and learned how to process different parts of the animal, including skinning the moose and scorching the moose’s nose. “You don’t usually see three moose heads, especially on campus,” said Tristan Beauregard, a Cree student who helped clean the moose. “[…] It brought me a little bit back home.” The First Peoples’ Centre will use half of the meat for traditional cooking activities and the skulls will be donated to Dawson’s biology department.