HTCSD takes steps to improve First Nations, Métis student engagement

Holy Trinity Catholic School Division (HTCSD) in Moose Jaw has taken several steps to improve First Nations and Métis student engagement. The school district will continue to work with Knowledge Keeper Lyndon Linklater to facilitate Truth and Reconciliation-focused discussions, and the school district has also signed an agreement with the local Métis group. “Overall in our division right now, we’re focusing on students understanding the truth of what took place through residential schools in the past in order for us to move to a place with reconciliation,” said HTCSD Director of Education Ward Strueby. “We’ll continue to be having events in our school division having our Knowledge Keeper present and talking in each of our schools.” The school division has also purchased a teepee for each of their schools which provided an opportunity for the Knowledge Keeper to share about the story behind the teepee and how to set it up.

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