Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) is calling for a coordinated school food program that would provide Indigenous students across Inuit Nunangat with nourishment. The call stems from a report co-developed by ITK, Inuit partners, and the federal government that found that students in the region would benefit from a coordinated school food program. ITK is requesting $1.66B to implement and sustain the program over the next 15 years, and noted the importance of long-term investments in human resources and infrastructure. The program would be run in 75 schools across 51 communities, with students provided a breakfast and lunch prepared from healthy, locally sourced foods. It would be grounded in Inuit culture and flexible to the needs of regions and communities. “Food security has a major impact on our ability to live a safe, healthy, and prosperous life,” said ITK President Natan Obed. “Ensuring Inuit children have enough to eat will help enhance their educational experience, mental wellness, connection to Inuit culture and overall security.”
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