James Smith Cree Nation forges three agreements to enhance education for students

James Smith Cree Nation recently forged three agreements with the East Central First Nations partnership program, the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division, and the North East School Division. The agreements are intended to enhance the quality of education for students attending the Bernard Constant Community School. The school divisions will form a First Nation and Metis advisory council for students from James Smith Cree Nation. James Smith will maintain its treaty right to education while receiving the supports it needs to improve education quality while continuing to prioritize Cree culture, customs and traditions. The additional funding will be used for a new land-based learning program, where students will learn about cultural aspects such as fishing, hunting, snaring, and setting up tipis. “We need to be able to measure our success and adjust if we don’t meet our own standards,” said East Central First Nations Education Partnership director of education Randy Constant. “We will develop standards for land-based learning, cultural teachings, language acquisition, early years learning and an IT plan.”

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