Kenjgewin launches strategic Indigenous/Anishinabek research presence in Ontario

Kenjgewin Teg recently held an event to launch its new strategic Indigenous/Anishinabek research presence in Ontario. At the event, four Kenjgewin researchers—all of whom were Anishinaabe-kweok (Anishinabek women) with direct community ties to Mnidoo Mnising (Manitoulin Island)—presented the latest findings of their research projects. Kenjgewin President Dr Beverley Roy shared why Anishinabek research (and Indigenous research more broadly) must be conducted by Indigenous/Anishinabek researchers and advocated for an Anishinabek research paradigm that is led by these scholars. “Anishinabek research matters – as it becomes another way to hear about our collective stories and our collective resilience…as researchers and community members, we look forward to amplifying community voices in supporting solutions to solve real and practical challenges within our communities,” said Roy.
