The Grade 4 class at Leo Ussak School in Rankin Inlet have written and published an adaptation of the Three Little Pigs called The Three Hunters. “We spent about six weeks — like a half an hour after lunch every day — talking about our story, writing it, rewriting it, editing it, until we had something that we all thought was pretty great,” said Grade 4 teacher and vice-principal Raymond Gianfresco. “I sent the story home with all the students at the time, and I thought it was awesome, so I sent it to Inhabit (Media) and they liked it as well.” The book is set before colonization and follows brothers Akagaq, Tiriaq, and Akkiutaq as they build three shelters – a tent, a snowdrift, and an iglu – that the wind threatens to destroy. The proceeds of the book will go toward the school and the Ikurraq Food Bank.
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