Schools host camps, workshops focused on traditions

Schools in Ontario and Alberta are hosting camps and workshops to teach students about traditional Indigenous values and how to make traditional items. In ON, Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute students learned about building an authentic wigwam from Algonquin master canoe builder and knowledge keeper Chuck Commanda, who is from Kitigan Zibi First Nation. The students helped to build the dwelling while learning about Algonquin culture. Red Deer Polytechnic recently held an Indigenous Culture Camp for educators, staff, students, and community members. The sessions were held in tipis, where participants learned about Indigenous knowledge and views from Elders and Knowledge Keepers. Morley Community School hosted a bow-making workshop that focuses on reconnecting Stoney Nakoda youth with their culture and connecting traditional elements with math and physics. “The whole process of building the bow, the construction of it, the idea behind trajectory, the idea behind energy transfer, to actually do any type of hunting, that’s where the connection comes in,” said Knowledge Keeper Richard Lushai.

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