The steps medical, nursing schools are taking towards reconciliation: Editorial

In a recent TVO Today article, Humber College StoryLab investigative journalist Kunal Chaudhary discusses how Canadian medical and nursing schools are taking steps to advance reconciliation. University of Manitoba Medical Student Jayelle Friesen-Enns explains how the admissions process can often be hostile to Indigenous students, who may find themselves preparing for the MCAT exam without the adequate time or financial resources. Chaudhary discusses responses to questions asked by Surviving Hate to Canadian medical schools; six out of 16 of the schools said they have a dedicated Indigenous health course, 11 offer placements in Indigenous communities, and nine mentioned that Indigenous faculty lead curriculum design. The article also includes responses from 26 nursing schools about changes made in response to the TRC Calls to Action: 13 of the nursing programs have a dedicated Indigenous health course, 17 weave Indigenous content throughout the curriculum, and 22 offer placements in Indigenous communities. The author also discusses the impacts of medical colonialism and Indigenous health in the global context.