With teachers arriving from abroad, Mushuau Innu Natuashish School starts year with “full slate” of teachers

The Mushuau Innu Natuashish School is welcoming students back this week, as well as a nearly full staff of teachers from as far away as India and Vietnam. The school has been operated by The Innu Nation and Mamu Tshishkutamashutau Innu Education (MTIE) since 2009, and it recently celebrated a record-breaking 34 graduating students. “This year we are going in with pretty much a full slate,” said MTIE Human Resources Director Rena Penashue. “We’re still looking for some specialty positions, like phys ed. […But] We’ve got a very diverse school staff. I’m thinking we’re going to have another rewarding school year.” Penashue also offered advice to those considering working at an Innu school, such as considering the location of the community and how isolated it is, being open to new experiences and cultures, and preparing for difficult travel experiences.