AU Arts, RDP, Sask Polytech unveil new strategies to increase Indigenous engagement, reconciliation 


Alberta University of the Arts, Red Deer Polytechnic, and Saskatchewan Polytechnic have released new Indigenous strategies and plans to foster Indigenization, truth and reconciliation, and engagement. The AUArts Indigenous Pathways Soksipaitapiiwahsin (Good Living Ways) outlines how AU Arts will respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action with 10 guiding goals for Reconcili-Actions. RDP’s Reconcili-Action Plan-released as part of Métis Week celebrations-is centered around four key themes: Open Hearts, Open Doors, Open Eyes, and Open Voices. Sask Polytech’s new 2024-2029 Indigenous Student Success Strategy – Wichitowin ahci kaskihtamâsowin ati nikan outlines how the institution will remove barriers and deliver comprehensive supports to help Indigenous students succeed. All three institutions developed their plans in partnership with their local communities.

AU Arts | RDP | Sask Polytech