BC releases Labour Market Outlook 2023, projects 75% of jobs will require PSE 


The Government of British Columbia has released its Labour Market Outlook: 2023 Edition, which includes a 10-year forecast of the expected flow of supply and demand for labour across the province. The reports indicate that BC will have approximately one million job openings between 2023 and 2033, 75% of which will require postsecondary education or training. It estimates that the best job opportunities for those with postsecondary degrees or diplomas will be for nurses, elementary school teachers, software engineers and designers, social and community service workers, and early childhood educators, among others. It also projects that among the skilled trades, there will be a considerable demand for cooks, carpenters, hairstylists, and heavy equipment operators. BC also launched the Find Your Path education and career way-finding tool that provides a personalized, intuitive map of the steps toward a person’s education and career goals 

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