Booth UC, CBU, Parkland launch new programs to meet student demand


Booth University College, Cape Breton University, and Parkland College have each announced new programs this week. Booth UC has launched several two- and three-year programs, such as a Community Mental Health stream program and an Associate of Business Administration degree, each of which can be laddered into further credentials; as well as a four-year BBA program with a major in accounting. CBU has launched a 16-month Bachelor of Social Work program that has been pre-accredited through the Canadian Association of Social Work Education (CASWE). The program’s curriculum will cover topics such as reconciliation and decolonization, the environmental impacts of health, and generational dimensions of poverty. Gabriel Dumont Institute and Parkland College have partnered to offer an Introduction to Carpentry program that will include key safety ticket training.

BoothUC | Nation Talk (CBU) | Parkland