CNOULF calls for more Francophone stakeholder consultations, creates committee for USudbury future

The Coalition Nord-Ontarienne pour une Université de Langue Française (CNOULF) has called on the Université de Sudbury to let Sudbury’s Francophone community play a bigger role in its development and future. “The Coalition supports the Universite de Sudbury’s new status as an institution managed by, for and with Francophones,” said Coalition Spokesperson Denis Constantineau. Constantineau indicated that “Francophones in our region have lost confidence in Laurentian University” and added that the coalition does not want to “end up with a university like the one in Toronto.” A committee of experts from the coalition is developing recommendations on the mandate, mission, and mechanisms that the university should put in place, and hopes to present its report in April. The Sudbury Star| CBC Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.

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