The heads of Université de Montréal, Université Laval, Université de Sherbrooke, Polytechnique Montréal and HEC Montréal have written an open letter against the recent QC tuition hike announcement, stating that “[a]ny measure that would put the very existence of a university at risk, or weaken it to the point of impairing it, must be excluded from the discussion.” The authors encouraged students from outside the province to be thought of as contributing to the institutions’ excellence, quality, and diversity. McGill University student Alex O’Neill, who is helping organize a protest against the tuition hike, noted that the tuition changes will also “disproportionately affect Francophones.” Students from Bishop’s University and Université du Québec à Montréal will be joining McGill University and Concordia University to protest.
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HEC, PolytechMTL, ULaval, UMontréal, USherbrooke sign open letter criticizing recent QC tuition hike
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