In wake of attack at UWaterloo, PSE professionals call for lasting change: Editorials

News Opinion

In the wake of the recent attack at the University of Waterloo, many in the postsecondary sector are calling for sustained change in and beyond the sector. CBC reports that postsecondary staff and students in Alberta are also calling for tangible and sustained changes from their institutional leaders to prevent a similar incident from occurring. UWaterloo associate professors Shana MacDonald and Alysia Kolentsis penned an article on the danger of polarizing rhetoric about gender and the transformative power of university classrooms. In another editorial, URegina Assistant Professor j wallace skelton calls for a broader culture shift and touches on the role of universities in protecting at-risk staff, faculty, and students. “If we only blame the attacker, we fail again because this is not an isolated incident,” writes skelton, noting the need for a broad response from society and universities alike.

CBC | The Conversation (MacDonald, Kolentsis) | The Conversation (skelton)