International students are struggling with the federal government’s requirement around finding work within a strict timeline, writes Nicholas Keung of The Star. After graduation, students are able to apply for a three-year post-graduate work permit, within which they must find work in a high-skill, high-wage job for at least a year in order to apply for permanent residency. George Brown College student Savitri Sinanan explains that she worked for almost a year in her field before having to take leave due to an injury, and has been compelled to continue studies just to stay in Canada, while Minzi Wataoka, a student from Japan, has not been able to find permanent work due to the pandemic. “We are only given three years to figure out our life, to find work and start a career,” said Wataoka. “There’s no time to breathe. So why all the deadlines?” Canada extended expiring work permits for up to 18 months last year, and Migrant Students United is calling for additional extensions. The Star Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.
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International students struggle with work requirements after graduation: Editorial
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