McGill, Western share updates on investment efforts to reach zero emissions journey

Two universities have recently shared updates on their sustainable investment efforts, which are focused on reaching zero emissions. Just two years after announcing its intent to accelerate the decarbonization of its investment portfolio and reduce its exposure to oil, gas, and coal, McGill University has made significant strides in improving its carbon footprint and investments. The university has achieved a 53% reduction in the carbon footprint of its $2B endowment portfolio over the last two years, and has also increased its Impact Investments to support the transition to a zero-emission economy. Western University announced the roll out of a responsible investing strategy to accelerate its decarbonization efforts. Western states that an analysis of its long-term public equity investment found that its carbon footprint had dropped by 65% from 2015; similarly, between 2019 and 2020, the carbon footprint of its public equity investments dropped by 31%. “We will continue to invest in companies and funds that are genuinely pursuing a progressive path toward net-zero and divest from those that will not contribute to our long-term sustainability goals,” said Western VP (Operations and Finance) Lynn Logan. McGill| Western Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.

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