Postsecondary institutions share ghost stories over Halloween


In the spirit of the Halloween season, local news outlets have highlighted popular ghost stories from several postsecondary institutions across Canada. According to Global News, Concordia University students have dreamt about the inhabitants of a crypt below Concordia’s Grey Nuns Motherhouse. Delta Marsh Field Station and Mallard Lodge, which were once part of the University of Manitoba’s campus, are reportedly haunted by both a friendly ghost and a sinister ghost who takes the form of a hooded skeleton. The University of Saskatchewan hosted ghost tours that included a story about the spirit of a nurse roams the halls of Royal University Hospital. The University of Lethbridge launched a digital collection of ghost stories featuring campus buildings that were recorded by a local storyteller.

Global News (UManitoba, Concordia) | CKOM (USask) | Lethbridge Herald (ULethbridge)