In a new research paper from Statistics Canada, Klarka Zeman examines how young graduates move from high school through postsecondary education and into the labour market. In the first step”graduating from high school into postsecondary studies”Zeman notes that about 89% of youth complete their studies within five years of starting grade 10 and about half go on to college (13%), university (33%), or an apprenticeship (3%). Once in postsecondary education, persistence varies between program types with about 57% of students in two-year career, technical, and professional training diplomas graduating after four years and 74% of four-year bachelor’s degree students graduating after six years. Upon graduation, Zeman notes that students tend to experience lower unemployment rates with more years of education, and in times of economic shock, university graduates experience a lower unemployment rise than those who graduated from colleges or the trades.
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StatsCan highlights the journey from high school through to the workforce.