Trent, UManitoba use technologies to remove barriers, advance student learning

Trent University and the University of Manitoba have shared some of the ways that they are using technology to remove barriers and promote accessible student learning. Trent has helped instructors to foster accessibility in the classroom with a dedicated fund through its Centre for Teaching and Learning. Over 20 instructors have drawn on the fund to make their courses more inclusive by implementing lectures designed to engage neurodivergent and hearing-impaired learners, high-contrast laboratory glassware, PPE for service animals, and more. At UManitoba, instructors are using virtual reality (VR) to help health students practice their skills. UManitoba Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Fean Dr Peter Nickerson expressed his excitement about the “RadyVerse,” which he said “will revolutionize the education of health practitioners through the use of virtual reality, artificial intelligence and augmented reality.” Nickerson explained that technologies like this allow students to develop their skills without risk to real patients.

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