UFV, Stó:lō agencies collaborate to launch Xwelítem Siyáya: Allyship and Reconciliation Building


The University of the Fraser Valley and a group of Stó:lō agencies have collaborated to launch an allyship and reconciliation program. Xwelítem Siyáya: Allyship and Reconciliation Building is a part-time, non-credit program that educates non-Indigenous Canadians about allyship and building reconciliation. Participants will learn about topics such as lands and resources, settler colonialism, and governance, and will participate in workshops on drum making, cedar bark weaving, and more. “In launching this program, we are collaborating with Stó:lō leaders in a way that helps lay the foundations for genuine reconciliation while alleviating Indigenous people of the weight of having to deliver such programs themselves,” explained UFV Peace and Reconciliation Centre Director Dr Keith Carlson.